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Renew Driving Confidence After a Crash

Writer's picture: Todd AveryTodd Avery

Have you ever been in a car crash? For most people, the answer is yes. Statistically speaking, about three-quarters of the people in the United States have been in at least one car crash.

Not all car crashes are the same, but any type of incident (or even a near miss sometimes) can have a long-lasting impact on someone’s driving confidence. Some people are so traumatized by their crash that they can’t bring themselves to drive again at all!

Most people assume that driving schools are only for teenagers preparing to get their license. But that’s not all we do. We offer safe driving lessons to adults as well. Sometimes, we work with people who were in a car crash and have been struggling to drive ever since. Whether they are dealing with fear or having to relearn skills because of an injury, what they will find with our coaching program is the patience and encouragement they need to regain their driving confidence. One student gave me permission to share her success story.

Traumatic Injury Impacts Driving Ability

Nikki suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) a few years ago that left her very symptomatic to where she later had to relearn to walk and talk among other cognitive challenges. Her brain injury has also caused ongoing migraines. She has to be very careful about how long she engages in cognitive activities, and she is also dealing with anxiety and fear about driving.

All that being said, Nikki is recovering from her injuries and wants to restore her life to some kind of normalcy. She’s an independent adult with a job and responsibilities that require her to be self-sufficient. Despite her fear, anxiety, and physical struggles, she decided it was time to get back to driving. She came to us for driving lessons so that she could move beyond her limitations and start driving again with confidence.

Tailored Driving Lessons Meet the Needs of the Individual

Safe Driving Coach lessons are not a one-size-fits-all program. Our coaches know what skills each student needs to have under their belt in order to be safe drivers, but how we instruct any individual on those skills can vary.

We pay attention to how our students communicate and listen as we first get to know them. This helps us adapt our coaching to whatever works best for the driver. I have been sharing a lot about Commentary Driving, as it has made a huge difference in helping many of our driving students retain and process information. Our coaches are also all certified to instruct drivers with special needs. At the end of the day, we’re teaching everyone the same important information, but we do it in a way that makes sense for the person in the driver’s seat next to us.

Nikki’s instruction plan had to be customized for her unique situation. Not only did I need to be mindful of her potential for migraines, but I also had to be sensitive to her very real traumatic experience. My approach took all of this into account, which is why I worked slowly through each lesson with a lot of checking in on her comfort level.

Even with these accommodations, we remained goal-oriented so that Nikki could mark her progress and gain confidence behind the wheel. In all situations where fear is playing a part, we have to balance taking it seriously while not letting it prevent someone from being empowered to do things they can and should do. Throughout our lessons, I modeled calm and patience for Nikki. But I also encouraged and challenged her to move to the next skill. Part of being a coach is being as focused on someone’s goals as they are, and even sometimes focusing on those goals for them when they are struggling through something.

Ask for Help in Overcoming Driving Fears

Nikki is doing an amazing job with her driving goals. She believes that she never could have come this far without the support of an experienced driving coach who takes her trauma seriously and continually pushes her to the next level.

If you have been through a car crash or some other driving-related trauma, you don’t have to push through your recovery alone. Getting behind the wheel again is difficult, but the support of a professional coach can ease your anxiety. Contact us to talk about your circumstances, and we’ll help you find the right coaching schedule to fit your needs. 


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