Working with students every day and coaching them safe, defensive driving skills is very rewarding. There are some that I really enjoy working with and looked forward to each lesson. Emmie Kaplan is one of them.
Our first lesson happen to be on my birthday in February. She started with about three hours of driving under her belt. Over the next 6 months she practiced everyday. We did lots of lessons, and she logged over 75 hours of driving with both her Mom and Dad. When you work with someone for 6 months you learn a lot about them. I learned that Emmie loves Disney!

Fast forward to Wednesday, September 4th, 2019 - the day Emmie was successful in getting her driver’s license. This day also just so happens to coincide with my business being open and on my own for my first official year.
In that year I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with dozens and dozens of families and great students. Many of whom have given Safe Driving Coach a raving 5-Star review on Google. For the family who gave me the 100th 5-star review, I knew I wanted to do something special.
The Kaplans happened to be that family. They didn’t know that I was planning something. But since Emmie loved Disney so much (like a Super Fan), I thought a gift card for Disney would be appropriate.
Have a great time in Disney, say hello to Mickey, and always remember… Be Safe, Be Aware and Be a Responsible Defensive Driver.